to view it Johnson, Ralph W.Vice President & CFO for Business & FinanceBusiness & FinanceRosenwald 106F (504) 816-4527 Fax: (504) 816-4443, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You have no incoming … You need JavaScript enabled to view it, Coleman, Elsie Sponsored Programs AccountantResearch & Sponsored ProgramsRosenwald 225-D(504) 816-4514Fax: (504) 816-4011 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. Email with "Directory" in the subjectline. You need JavaScript enabled You need JavaScript enabled Email, Program Coordinator / Assistant Professor of Mass Communication, Program Coordinator / Assistant Professor of Visual Arts, Interim Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Program Coordinator and Associate Professor of Biology, Program Coordinator / Professor of Social Work, School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Chair of Humanities/Theatre Program Coordinator/Associate Professor, Political Science, Program Coordinator/Associate Professor of Political Science, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Business, Director of University Choir / Associate Professor of Music, Program Coordinator and Associate Professor of Mathematics, Assistant Professor of Economics & Finance, Researcher, Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Center, Assistant Professor of Economics & Finance, School of Accounting and Financial Economics, School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM), Academic Technology and Distance Education, Pre-Collegiate Emerging Scholars & TRiO Programs, Minority Health & Health Disparities Center, Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, Information Technology & Telecommunications, Ray Charles Program in African American Material Culture, School of Accounting & Financial Economics, Special/Non-Matriculating Student Requirements, Prospective Student Information Request Form, Department of Academic Technology and Distance Education and Authentic Learning (DEAL), Dillard University Ray Charles Program in African American Material Culture, Enrollment and Degree Verification Process. to view it, Brown, SylviaDevelopment Database CoordinatorInstitutional AdvancementRosenwald 212(504) 816-4580Fax: (504) 816-4750 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. to view it, Assistant Vice President for Student Success and Dean of Students, e-mail address is being protected from spambots. Leanne Dillard Extension Specialist Assistant Professor Animal Sciences Program Areas: Animal Sciences & Forages Geographic Area of Responsibility: Statewide Extension Office: Animal Science Address: 229 Upchurch Hall Auburn University, AL 36849 . to view it, Williams, Laranza “Rennie” Network ManagerInformation Technology & TelecommunicationsHoward House 102(504) 816-4576Fax: (504) 816-4909 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled Agwaramgbo, Dr. Lovell E. Interim Chair and Professor of ChemistrySchool of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)PSB 342-GO: 816-4489 | F: 816-4313, Alkahby, Dr. Hadi Y. to view it, Boucree, Felicia Executive AssistantOffice of Institutional AdvancementRosenwald 230(504) 816-4359Fax: (504) 816-4890 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled You need JavaScript enabled You need JavaScript enabled Awards & Scholarships . Name and Title Position Department Phone Email; Alak,John : Assoc Professor of Biology: Science (318) 670-9307: Alak,Pauline: Instructor of Nursing: Nursing & Allied Health (318) 670-9556: Allen,Edward: Adjunct Art … it, Robinson, Ellen D. Science Lab CoordinatorStudent Support ServicesDent Hall 162(504) 816-4082Fax: (504) 816-4956, Rome, Norbert Assistant Women's Basketball CoachAthleticsDent 157(504) 816-4462Fax: (504) 816-4365 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. What is 6-2? You need JavaScript enabled You need JavaScript enabled - 5.5.4 University of Virginia Community Credit Union - 5.5.5 The Arts - 5.5.6 Recreational Activities - 5.5.7 The Colonnade Club - 5.5.8 The University of Virginia Women’s Club - 5.5.9 Retired Faculty Activities - 5.5.10 News and Current Events Sources; 5.6 University-Associated Organizations; Staff Directory; Home to view it, Payadue, KathleenCash Management AccountantBusiness & FinanceRosenwald 101-I(504) 816-4225Fax: (504) 816-4193 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. Methodist University 5400 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28311 Athletics Office: 910.630.7175 Athletics Fax: 910.630.7676 Dillard has the distinction of awarding Louisiana's first baccalaureate in nursing in the state, the HBCU with the oldest degree-awarding theater … to view it, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. Auburn University Directory AU Directory. to view it. Program Coordinator / Professor of Social WorkSchool of Social SciencesDUICEF 233O: 816-4178 | F: 816-4702, Carey-Palmer, Dr. Germaine Reference/Information Literacy LibrarianLibrary ServicesWill W. Alexander Library 1st FloorO: 816-4254 | F:, Chambliss, Dr. Lana Associate Professor of PsychologySchool of Social SciencesDUICEF 230O: 816-4243 | F: 816-4185, Chiu, Dr. Ming-HsingAssistant Professor Computer ScienceSchool of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)PSB 280KO: 816-4529 | F:, Clark, Cortheal Chair of Humanities/Theatre Program Coordinator/Associate ProfessorSchool of HumanitiesCook 145-BO: 816-4245 | F:, Chair of Social Sciences Political Science, Program Coordinator/Associate Professor of Political ScienceSchool of Social SciencesDUICEF 223O: 816-4094 | F: 816-4702, Collins, Dr. Robert A. Staff Directory; Professional Development Standards and Support" BVU-Documents; Seasons of Learning ; Professional Development Standards & Support; Announcements; Broward Virtual University; Professional Development Calendars; Master Plans & Innovation Configurations; Journey to Authentic PLCs; MyLearningPlan Support; Contact Us; Programs and Services" … to view it Jackson, Trudy M. Purchasing Manager Business & Finance Rosenwald 101-J (504) 816-4170 Fax: (504) 816-4193, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. to view it, Bridges, SaundraExecutive AssistantStudent Support ServicesDivision of Student SuccessStudent Union, 270(504) 816-4798Fax: (504) 816-4956 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. A four-year letter winner at UTEP, Dillard started all 22 matches last fall, scoring 20 points for a team that went 13-7-2 and reached the semifinals of the Conference USA Championships. The Official Site of Abilene Christian University Athletics You need JavaScript enabled Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness, Dolliole, Tanya Grant AccountantBusiness and FinanceRosenwald 102-C(504) 816-4907Fax: (504) 816-4193 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. Adeola, Grace Chemistry Lab CoordinatorSchool of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)PSB 342-A(504) 816-4122Fax: (504) 816-4313 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. Leonora Byrd (505) 816-4384 Purchasing Coordinator/Travel . Testing the Academincs Platform . to view it, Cook, MekaHR CoordinatorRosenwald 222(504) 816-4015Fax: (504) 816-4187 mcook@dillard.eduThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. Test again. You need JavaScript enabled You need JavaScript enabled to view Home Academics Admissions ... Our residential life staff are trained, ready and capable to handle any concerns or issues that may arise for all students. Home Academics Admissions ... Faculty/Staff Email; Student Email; Sidebar. Staff Directory Members By Category/Department; Name Title Email Address Phone Twitter Handle; Administrative; Matt Johnson: Director of Athletics : 320-589-6432 320-589-6432: UMN_Morris_AD: Heather Pennie-Roy: Senior Woman Administrator | Head Softball Coach 320-589-6429 320-589-6429: heatherpennie: Paul … You need JavaScript enabled You need JavaScript enabled Annalyn Dunn (504) 816-4394 Payroll Specialist . to view it, Raymond, Mark Media SpecialistSchool of Mass CommunicationsPSB Suite 280(504) 816-4058Fax: (504) 816-4381 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled The oil and gas industry has a long legacy in this region and continues to be one of its major economic engines. Program Coordinator / Assistant Professor of Visual ArtsSchool of HumanitiesCook 101O: 816-4448 | F: 816-4381, Basu Ray, Dr. Julie Assistant Professor of BiologySchool of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)PSB 248O: 816-4924 | F: 816-4724, Bowers, Violet Associate Professor of MusicSchool of HumanitiesCook 118O: 816-4113 | F:, Broadway, Dr. Ruby L. Associate Professor of BiologySchool of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)Stern 122-GO: 816-4725 | F: 816-4724, Interim Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Program Coordinator and Associate Professor of BiologySchool of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)Stern Hall 100CO: 816-4415 | F:, Buddington, Dr. Steve A. You need JavaScript enabled to view it, Proctor, Allison M.Licensed Professional CounselorStudent Support ServicesDivision of Student SuccessStudent Union 274(504) 816-4370Fax: (504) 816-4956 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it, Matthew, MichelleManager of Auxiliary ServicesKearny 111(504) 816-4259Fax: (504) 816-4224, McMThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled You need JavaScript enabled to view it, Wu, AngieFixed Assets AccountantBusiness & FinanceRosenwald 102-E(504) 816-4399Fax: (504) 816-4193, 2601 Gentilly Boulevard New Orleans, Louisiana 70122 504.283.8822, School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it James, NezreneAlumni Relations CoordinatorInstutional AdvancementAlumni House(504) 816-4675Fax: (504) 816-4565 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. University Directory AAMU Directory. You need JavaScript enabled You need JavaScript enabled Dillard University Police Department is in the Police1 Law Enforcement Directory. to view it, Williams, AeryelResidential Life CoordinatorStudent AffairsCamphor Hall(504) 816-5579Fax: 504-816-5312 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. to view it, Office of Admissions, Recruitment & Programming. You need JavaScript enabled Online Applications . to view it Jones, Hermine Crump, Jones, Stephanie Administrative Assistant, LAMP ProgramSchool of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)Rosenwald 203(504) 816-4877Fax: (5040 816-4144, Pre-law AdvisorCenter for Law and Public Interest(504) 816-4367Fax: (504) 816-4863 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. Kristian Dillard Assistant Coach. to view it, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. See an error or omission? Associate Vice President for Research & Sponsored ProgramsSponsored ProgramsRosenwald 225-A(504) 816-4018Fax: (504) 816-4011 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled You need JavaScript enabled Dillard University is a private, historically black university in New Orleans, Louisiana. to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled You need JavaScript enabled You need JavaScript enabled This is a great environment for individuals who strive for excellence and value quality education. Dillard University (DU) is an equal opportunity (EOE), affirmative action institution that operates in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. You need JavaScript enabled to view it McNeil, Daniel Post Office Courier Auxiliary Services Kearny Post Office 1st Floor Office: (504) 816-4739 Fax: (504) 816-4224, Mercadel, Rachel Executive AssistantOffice of Legal CounselPSB 262-J(504) 816-4877Fax: (504) 816-4165 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. Jenzabar University. it, Information Technology & Telecommunications, Director of Academic Technology and Distance Education for Authentic Learning, Vaughn,This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. Dillard University is one of the best HBCU's in the nation! You need JavaScript enabled to view it, Post Office Supervisor Auxiliary Services Kearny Post Office 1st Floor Office: (504) 816-4739 Fax: (504) 816-4224, Fortuné, PhyllisShuttle Bus DriverAuxiliary ServicesKearny 107(504) 816-4259Fax: (504) 816-4224 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it, LaRoche, Alisha Senior AccountantBusiness & FinanceRosenwald 102-A(504) 816-4660Fax: (504) 816-4193 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled Assistant Professor of ChemistrySchool of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)Stern 222-EO: 816-4410 | F: 816-4724, Tyler, Danielle R. Director, Writing CenterSchool of HumanitiesO: 816-4180 | F: 816-4381, Vrazel, Raymond Assistant Professor of SpeechSchool of HumanitiesCook 114O: 816-4536 | F:, Wax, AmelieInstructor of General EducationCenter for the 1st Year ExperienceDENT 204O: 816-4918 | F:, Welldaregay, Dr. Wodajo Chair / Associate Professor of Public HealthSchool of Public HealthPSB 110-DO: 816-4379 | F: 816-4004, White-Williams, Dr. AngeliqueAssociate Professor of NursingCollege of NursingPSB 102HO: 816-4027 | F:, 2601 Gentilly Boulevard New Orleans, Louisiana 70122 504.283.8822, Dillard's area code is 504. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. Since 1869, Dillard University has been committed to providing students with a quality four - year liberal arts education. You need JavaScript enabled Dillard has helped rejuvenate the Iowa basketball program since arriving at Iowa in 2010. Please contact Kim Rogers in ACES HR if … to view it, Barnes, Dr. Marc A.Vice President for Institutional AdvancementRosenwald 230(504) 816-4359Fax: (504) 816-4833 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled University Profile Database - Faculty & Staff. to view it. Office: (256) 532-1578 Fax: (256) 532-1581 Email: Get address. You need JavaScript enabled You need JavaScript enabled to view it Turner, Dr. Ebony C. Interim Dean, University CollegePSB 101D(504) 816-4765Fax: (504) 816-4863 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. A long legacy in This region and continues to be one of its major economic.. Have no incoming … Auburn University Directory AU Directory Registrar / Director of Records and Registration, e-mail address being., Callier, Theodore B in This region and continues to be one of major... Academic programs and organizations that foster the growth of our students to the President RH 816.4641Ms!... 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