Sodium lights operate in a range where the human eye is very sensitive and so there is less power required to achieve the same lighting effect. Among the deficiencies in this lighting are the following: Among the minor deficiencies in sodium vapor lighting are the following: Common applications for sodium vapor lighting includes street lighting and parking lots as well as for tunnel lighting where color rendering isn’t a major issue. Any defective LED bulb will usually fail within this time. In some circumstances heat emissions could be beneficial, however, it is a generally a bad thing to emit heat as it represents an energy inefficiency. In particular, LED lights are relatively expensive. Although. Lastly, HPS and LPS lights are monochromatic, so they can mess with your color vision if you look at them for an extended period of time. Back in the day, more wattage meant more brightness. Continuous dimming typically alters the light output from 100% to 30% for High Pressure Sodium lamps. lifespan) they are drastically inferior to LEDs. These diodes can emit red, blue or green light, and most grow lights offer a balance of the three to mimic natural light. So, to illustrate our point, let’s have a look at our HPS to LED conversion chart. Low and High Pressure Sodium lights are the only light whose source efficiency compares to LEDs (values range between 50 and 160 lumens/watt for LPS and slightly less for HPS). LED Lighting, LED dimming functions by either lowering the forward current or modulating the pulse duration. LEDs have an extremely long lifespan relative to every other lighting technology. If you have any information please, Energy Service Companies (ESCO)/Contractors. LEDs are very efficient relative to every lighting type on the market. LED has virtually zero maintenance costs and the frequency with which bulbs have to be changed out is by far the best on the market. LEDs are available in a wide range of color temperatures that generally span from 2200K-6000K (ranging from “warm” yellow to light or “cool” blue). LEDs Superior Operating Life. The up-front costs of an LED lighting project are typically greater than most of the alternatives. That being said, you can use the comparison charts … LED Retrofit, You can get in touch with us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The ultimate purpose of the device is to emit light, not heat. That said, the price of LEDs are rapidly decreasing and as they continue to be adopted en masse the price will continue to drop. Like most legacy lamps HPS and LPS lamps operate by using a glass bulb. LPS or HPS lights will still likely need to be purchased several times and the associated labor costs will need to be paid in order to attain the equivalent lifespan of a single LED light. If you have any information please contact us. I cannot stress enough that there is no such thing as a 1-for-1 replacement of HPS by LED! The technology pays the investor back over time (the payback period). These include the following: Considering the upside you might think that LED lights are a no-brainer. The lights become less efficient over time because they must use more and more voltage to produce the same lumen output as the light degrades. By far the most efficient HID variant is the Low Pressure Sodium lamp whose source efficiency can range from 60-190 lumens/watt. LED lifespan can be greater than 100,000 hours (more than four times that of LPS or HPS). Thankfully, the market has changed a lot since due to their high power consumption, short lifespan, and environmental drawbacks. Kind LED say you can. The two different technologies are entirely different methods of producing light. LEDs have virtually no warm-up time. The largest selling point of LPS and HPS lights is the cheap selling price, the high energy efficiency (low operating costs), and the relatively long lifespan. A LED lamp uses 30 watts quite differently from an HPS one. Indeed, high pressure sodium (HPS) lights are generally unmatched in terms of energy efficiency. Typically they fall around 25 on a scale of 100 where 100 is the best possible. Metal Halide / High Pressure Sodium to LED Wattages Conversion: Original Lamp: LED Lamp: 70 Watt Metal Halide: 30 Watt LED: 100 Watt Metal Halide: 40-50 Watt LED: 150 Watt Metal Halide: 60-70 Watt LED: 175 Watt Metal Halide: 80-90 Watt LED: 70 Watt High Pressure Sodium: 40 Watt LED: 100 Watt High Pressure Sodium: 50-60 Watt LED: 150 Watt High Pressure Sodium: 80-90 … If you’re interested in the technical details of how an LED works you can read more about it here. Lumen maintenance at the end of life still is excellent at around 80%.” LPS lights last slightly shorter periods of time (typically failing around 18,000 hours of operation). Phoenix: HPS to LED Conversion Analysis Data (Arterial street) Units HPS - 250 Watt LED - 139 Watt Lamp and Fixture (Mat. LEDs are extremely energy efficient relative to every other commercially available lighting technology. When you look at the light intensity charts for each map you’ll see what I mean. Perhaps more importantly, in the last few years LED efficiency has surpassed that of even LPS and HPS lights and its efficiency improvements are progressing at a much more rapid rate. Park, No.2-3 South Road, . The mercury inside the bulbs is a hazardous material that can present a waste disposal issue at the end of light’s life. Needless to say, converting from HPS to LED is definitely something you should consider for your home or office. With a LED vs HPS comparison it can be hard to compare apples to apples because there are a lot of things that come into play besides the initial purchase price. For an interesting take on the history of street lighting in the United States read, Low and High Pressure Sodium lights are well-known for their warm yellow glow (CCT values around 2200K). LEDs are fine for all normal operating temperatures both indoors and outdoors. You can, about the impact of directional lighting by learning about  a measurement called “, We couldn’t find any objective data on fluorescent bulb performance in high temperature situations. They are also adaptable for large public areas (which require powerful, efficient lights over a large area), road lighting (which offer significant color advantages over low and high pressure sodium lights), and parking lots. Low Pressure Sodium lamps will not cycle at the end of life but rather will simply fail to strike (turn on) and/or will stay in the warm-up phase indicated by a dim reddish to pink glow. When comparing both technologies, always compare light levels of the entire grow and not just fixture to fixture. The arc tube is made of aluminum oxide and the sodium metal is combined with several other elements like mercury which counter-balances the yellow glow with some white to light blue emissions. Lumen Comparison Chart. Also, LEDs waste less energy producing waste heat, resulting in longer life and the best energy efficiency. Incandescent bulbs and CFL bulbs are more easily broken than LEDs, which increases their cost of use. LED vs High Pressure Sodium. It is typically used in outdoor environments for organizations like schools, large commercial buildings like hospitals, or municipalities managing city lighting on a budget. The need for reflection and redirection of light means that the output is much less efficient for omnidirectional lights due to losses than it would be for the same light if it were directional by its nature. The lightbulb lumens to wattage chart below will help you understand which LED bulb is comparable to your current incandescent bulb. LEDs emit very little forward heat. Only) $ $230.00 $475.00 Fixture Installation (Labor) $ $29.00 $29.00 Manufacturer's Lamp Life Hours 20,000 50,000 Annual Energy Costs $ $72.36 $32.88 Lamp Replacement Cost $ $1.20 per month $0.60 per month* When comparing different light bulbs and lamps, it is better to compare the lumens that each bulb produces, in order to gain a true like-for-like comparison. Between fluorescent, LEDs, and high-pressure sodium (HPS), the great wide world of grow lights can get confusing. You can read more about the impact of directional lighting by learning about  a measurement called “useful lumens” or “system efficiency.”. Bulb breakage and bulb replacement costs have not been factored into this comparison chart. This is typically an advantage because light is usually desired over a target area (rather than all 360 degrees around the bulb). According to American Electric Lighting, “HPS lamps still generate 90% of their initial light output at the midpoint of their life span. The current unit for measuring brightness is the lumen, which represents the amount of light produced by a bulb or a lamp. Low and High Pressure Sodium lights are very cheap to purchase as well as fairly cheap to maintain. This is by far the biggest downside that needs to be considered. They reach maximum brightness near instantaneously. Low Pressure Sodium lamps are notorious for having the worst CRI values on the market. Firstly, HPS lights have a very narrow color spectrum, limited to warm deep yellow light. They do, however, show degraded performance at significantly high temperatures and they require significant heat sinking, especially when in proximity to other sensitive components. So if I get one 300W LED grow light panel, it would be a safe assumption that it … High pressure sodium vapor (HPS) lights, similar to LPS lights, are a specific type of gas-discharge light (also known as a high intensity discharge, HID or arc light). All in all this makes the applications in which LEDs can be used extremely diverse. Although they are very popular for street lights, they don’t serve many other applications. HPS lights are more standardized among manufacturers, making it a bit easier to comparison shop. 100 Degrees Celsius. The overall performance drop is relatively low over time with around 80% output being normal near the end of life. The typical lifespan for a fluorescent bulb, by comparison, is 10-25% as long at best (roughly 10,000 hours). Induction has, I think lost it's momentum.So a new LED system would save tons of electricity and take fewer fixtures to light the existing area. Generally they are cheap compared to LEDs ($5-$10 for a 100W incandescent-equivalent LPS or HPS bulb). It is only recently with the advent of affordable and prevalent LED lighting that they are being consistently surpassed in terms of energy efficiency and lifespan. If you’re interested in the technical details of how an LED works you can read more about it. are notorious for having the worst CRI values on the market. This means they emit light for 360 degrees, requiring fixture housings or reflectors to direct a large portion of the emissions to the desired target area. LEDs produce a very narrow spectrum of visible light without the losses to irrelevant radiation types (IR, UV) or heat associated with conventional lighting, meaning that most of the energy consumed by the light source is converted directly to visible light. Consistency. Problems with the starter and/or improper matching of a starter and an HPS lamp may cause cycling even though the starter is otherwise working properly as the lamp is continually trying to light itself. HPS bulbs typically emit 80% of their original rated output at the end of life (around 24,000 hours). Having to purchase one bulb versus three or four bulbs over the course of time is a significant selling point for LEDs. High pressure sodium vapor (HPS) lights, similar to LPS lights, are a specific type of gas-discharge light (also known as a high intensity discharge, HID or arc light). Although High Pressure Sodium lamps emit visible light across a slightly more broad spectrum than Low Pressure Sodium lamps, they are still very limited. If such a lamp breaks, the exposed sodium metal can result in a fire. Topics: Both low and high pressure sodium lights require ignition which is typically provided by a voltage pulse or a third electrode (an additional metal part) internal to the bulb. Sodium lamps have the worst color rendering of any bulb. LEDs emit light for 180 degrees. Even so, they typically aren’t produced below roughly a centimeter in width and so they do not compare to the small size and robust build of a solid state light like LED. Yes, there are LED fixtures that exist when measured directly beneath the fixture. Stouch Lighting Services, LED is the newest and by far the best lighting technology available, using less wattage to produce high levels of brightness. This is typically an advantage because light is usually desired over a target area (rather than all 360 degrees around the bulb). Growers endlessly speculate and debate which is better for plant growth. LED equivalent wattages to traditional light sources can only be approximate, as they will vary depending on the colour temperature and quality of the bulbs being compared. Typically they fall around 25 on a scale of 100 where 100 is the best possible. The downside is that there are very few options outside the narrow range to choose from. That said, HPS lights in particular maintain fairly good light output (roughly 80%) at their typical end-of-life (24,000 operating hours). The principal difference between low and high pressure sodium lights is the operating pressure inside the lamp. They lose out to LEDs principally because their system efficiency is much lower (<30 lumens/watt) due to all of the losses associated with omnidirectional light output and the need to redirect it to a desired area. They are also adaptable for large public areas (which require powerful, efficient lights over a large area), road lighting (which offer significant color advantages over low and high pressure sodium lights), and parking lots. LPS lamps emit a monochromatic yellow light which very much inhibits color vision at night. The difference between led vs hps lumens per watt is greater because there's less "loss" of light. They produce steady light without flicker. LED Street Lights The high power LED street lights LU1 are designed for the street lighting demand and fully meets the special requirements of street lighting. See the chart below to see an example of a LED spectral chart: To get you more familiar with LED grow light spectral charts for different phases of growth, below we have the HLG 300L Rspec (flowering phase/full cycle) and Bspec (vegetative phase) so you can compare them. The light will appear reddish/pink when it is first struck (turned on) and it will transition to its characteristic yellow as it reaches its normal operating temperature. Horticulture Lighting Group HLG 650R (Best Overall) This light is the latest powerhouse grow … Ever wonder what’s better: high pressure sodium lights (and the related low pressure sodium lights) or light emitting diodes (LEDs)? For this reason it is safest to break sodium lights under water and then to subsequently dispose of the destroyed bulb. Since then they have gradually expanded their applications to include traffic lights, lighted signs, and more recently, indoor and outdoor lighting. For this reason LPS lights are actually desirable as they minimize electromagnetic interference near facilities conducting astronomical observation. LEDs have a light spread of 180 degrees, and so more light is actually directed towards the subject in question. LED lighting has relatively high initial costs and low lifetime costs. That said, although LPS and HPS bulbs have a long lifespan relative to most competitors, they still fall short of LEDs. If we had included air conditioning, it would make LED grow light vs HPS lighting even more cost effective in less time. (a device that converts visible light into electrical current). LEDs are very efficient relative to every lighting type on the market. The first practical use of LEDs was in circuit boards for computers. LEDs are solid state lights (SSLs) that are difficult to damage with physical shocks. For an interesting take on the history of street lighting in the United States read here. As you can see, LED lights use far less energy to produce light of a much better quality. However, there is exactly one other type of lighting that beats HPS in that category, and that is Light Emitting Diode (LED). (Don't give up if you received an expensive proposal to upgrade to LEDs. Find the Right LED … Once the arc is ignited it melts and evaporates metal salts (sodium) internal to the device. A diode is an electrical device or component with two electrodes (an anode and a cathode) through which electricity flows - characteristically in only one direction (in through the anode and out through the cathode). LPS and HPS still retain these advantages over most conventional bulbs but they lose on all three counts to LEDs. So, to illustrate our point, let’s have a look at our HPS to LED conversion chart. LEDs are an ideal light for purposely turning on and off because they respond rather instantaneously (there is no warm up or cool down period). Comparing 90w LED UFO with different configurations to a 400w HPS and other factors. Lighting Comparison: LED vs Metal Halide Lights Most people would really like to see the comparison if possible. Disadvantages of High Pressure Sodium. The major payback comes primarily from reduced maintenance costs over time (dependent on labor costs) and secondarily from energy efficiency improvements (dependent on electricity costs). There are several reasons for this to include the fact they waste very little energy in the form of infrared radiation (much different than most conventional lights to include fluorescent lights), and they emit light directionally (over 180 degrees versus 360 degrees which means there are far fewer losses from the need to redirect or reflect light). The sodium can catch fire even in the event that the lamp is broken on the ground. Not too long ago, Access Fixtures was contacted by a property owner seeking to upgrade her outdated 250w, 2100K, high pressure sodium (HPS) wall packs to LED wall packs. Are the modern day equivalent need help with your high Pressure sodium ( HPS lights are a solution! 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